Whose Quarter-Life Crisis is This?

Erica interviewing a subject for a health story.

After years of refusing to start a blog, a stubborn Erica surrendered when her full-blown quarter-life crisis began. She has since conquered her 25th year and crisis with flying colors, and is currently a journalist living in Washington, D.C. Erica is living (and thriving!) with cystic fibrosis, diabetes, acid reflux, and celiac. So she can handle just about whatever life throws her way.

2 Responses to Whose Quarter-Life Crisis is This?

  1. Hi Erica

    I have nominated your blog for a Liebster award. I Love what you are doing and how you say it. Congratulations. 🙂 Check out how to accept the award from my blog post here: http://adventuroustraveltales.com/an-award-what/


    • emsander says:

      Wow, thank you! I appreciate your kind words and encouragement. I will certainly follow up on this. 🙂

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