Ready to Return

It’s been a year since I’ve written on this blog. Not that I have dedicated readers wondering where the hell I went. Not in a narcissistic or cliche way, but I truly did create this as a personal outlet with no interest in attracting attention. A place to write freely, however and whenever I wanted. Where I could easily scroll back over my life in my self-reflecting moments (of which I have many). A digital narrative of the crazy experiences and lessons over the years.

I’ve been thinking of returning for awhile. And with the start of a New Year, I figured there’s no better time.

Why did I step away for so long? I couldn’t handle it. Literally. After suffering permanent ear damage, looking at a screen and typing for hours was hard enough at my job. I couldn’t do it in my off time. There were so many words and thoughts I wanted to scream out in sheer anger and sorrow and frustration for what my body and mind were going through every second of every day. But broadcasting it here seemed too much–even though I’ve been incredibly candid on this blog.

But I think I’m ready to start talking about some of those things now. One big thing last year taught me was that all of my feelings are valid–even the ugly ones–and I shouldn’t suppress them. I just needed time and patience.

They won’t be fun posts. They’re going to be hard to write. But life isn’t all filtered snapshots of living your best life on Instagram. Living your truth isn’t about posting inspirational quotes or motivational hashtags. It’s about being honest–even when you’re in a downward spiral or a dark place.

I hope when I look back at these posts that they help me and, maybe, they’ll help a stray reader too.

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