Parental Guidance

“What happened to ‘I can’t wait to spend time with my dad and eat lunch together every day’?” my dad asked.

It’s true, I did say that. However, that was four months ago when I first moved home. And I did enjoy the first month living the semi-retired life with my legit-retired dad. We went for walks, ate lunch on the deck, and caught up with life. But my initial content overshadowed the reality of the situation: sleeping in your childhood room at 25.

After living on your own for two years, far away from your parents, you kind of forget (or block out) the annoying habits of your parents. Like how my dad has little concept of personal space, or constantly clacks his spoon against his bowl, or feels the need to comment on every TV show. I love him, but these things drive me insane. This in turn caused me to get annoyed and cop an attitude, hence the opening question.

There’s also no privacy in this hardwood-floor Colonial. Everything echoes. Even my own bedroom feels exposed. Every time I’m on the phone with my girlfriends, I hear my mom creeping past my closed door. Can I please talk about male drama without having to whisper like a teenage girl under the covers?

I miss the days of talking as loud as I want about whatever I want. I miss going in and out of the house without facing a barrage of questions. I miss stepping on the subway instead of asking permission to use the car.

I love my parents; I just don’t love living with them.

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2 Responses to Parental Guidance

  1. hownottokillyourparents says:

    And there is nothing wrong with that at all. 🙂

  2. lizzyT says:

    freedom gets put on hold so one can return to the security of her roots to dream like a child, so the next chapter of her story is limitless !!! ……. i hear ya sister, saaame boat. xoxo

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